I received my autographed copy of Bob Jone's new rule system Repique: Zouave today at lunch. Way to go Bob! I encourage all readers to go to Bob's Blog and check out his materials and even to order the rules! In addition, there is a Yahoo Group established for the rules.
I am a big fan of the command and control system in Repique! It encompasses both strategic and tactical elements. As my readers should know by now, I like rules that don't allow me to have 100% control of the actions of my miniature men...and Repique certainly does this. However, Repique does this is a manner that lowers odd random occurrences. Leaders typically function within a range of their capacity. Also, it forces me - as the real C-in-C to plan ahead. That range of leadership dovetails into my plans (or lack thereof). In some rule sets, I can change my plan from turn to turn depending upon how well I make command rolls of the dice.
What this means to me as a wargamer is that I can play two types of games, both very fun. One type of game is more of a "club game" where everything is pretty easy, we roll dice, and my troops move according to my luck with the dice...with all formations having the same odds of movement. We all have great fun, and establish friendships and camaraderie. The other type of game is more of a "challenging game" where everything is pretty easy, we roll dice, and my troops move in accordance with my planning, the ratings of the leaders and within more historical deployments and movements. We all have great fun, and establish friendships and camaraderie. To me Repique fits the bill for a large battle when I desire a more challenging experience.
Rebased Royalists
2 days ago
If you had a choice to play in a game of Johny Reb III or Zouave, which one would you pick?
ReplyDeleteI guess that it depends on what I am after. Johnny Reb does regimental combat very nice...very nice. But, you cannot easily fight Shiloh with them. Zouave enables that. So, it would depend. The right tool for the right job. Which is why it is great to be able to play more than one set. We should not get too attached or religious about these things...