Saturday, December 12, 2009

WW2 Japanese

These are the Japanese that helped to recently break my painter's block.

The base color used on the miniatures is a spray paint, Krylon Khaki (#4291). The other uniform colors are all Vallejo paints as follows:

  1. Boots and gun stock: German Dark Brown (#70822)

  2. Helmet and blanket: Brown Violet (#70887)

  3. Belts and cap bill: US Field Drab (#70873)

  4. Gun strap: Light Brown (#70929)

  5. Skin: Sunny Skintone (#70845)

  6. Hair: Black (#70950)

  7. Metals: Oily Steel (#70865)

I washed the miniatures in Minwax Polyshade (Tudor Satin) and mounted them on 1" diameter washers. The ground cover is built up with Wood Filler and painted Vallejo Buff (#70976) and also washed with the Minwax. The "jungle" plants are aquarium plants cut to proportion (I think they need a wash of the Minwax too).

Miniatures are Old Glory.

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