While surfing the web, I came across the Harper's Weekly blog. These fellas are doing a Gettysburg project - which seems totally awesome to me!
Anyway, besides that, the header picture of the site - specifically the little streams - caught my eye. They are wonderfully narrow which seems great for scale and look great. So...can I make some too?
Here are some pics of the attempt in progress. My issue was in figuring out a way to make the banks tough enough to stand the handling, the troops on them, being stored and taken to meetings, whatever. I knew regular glue would not do.
Gorilla Glue! It is water activated and foams up a bit. That oughta hold the rocks and stuff in place rather well. So I wet the banks of the MDF I cut and applied a layer of the Gorilla Glue. In this goop I laid my rocks. This morning when I awoke, the foam did its thing and makes me think this may work.
More pics after I paint and flock. Thanks Harper's Weekly gang! Inspiration can be found in many places!
UPDATED: Got the two test sections painted up. I think they look OK. So, yeah, I think I'll make some more!
Clone Wars Project
3 days ago